Exploring the T-BeamSUPREME ESP32-S3 with Meshtastic

Hello, tech enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into the world of long-range communication by exploring the T-BeamSUPREME ESP32-S3, a powerful and versatile microcontroller. For those of you who love outdoor adventures or have a passion for off-grid communications, this little device, combined with the Meshtastic software, is a game-changer.

What is the T-BeamSUPREME ESP32-S3?

The T-BeamSUPREME ESP32-S3 is a step up in the world of ESP32 boards. It's a compact, GPS-enabled microcontroller that's perfect for DIY communication projects. With its built-in LoRa module, it offers long-range communication capabilities, making it an ideal choice for building networks in remote areas.

Why Meshtastic?

Meshtastic is an open-source project that turns devices like the T-BeamSUPREME into a GPS mesh network. It's particularly useful for outdoor activities where cellular service is a dream. Think hiking, skiing, or even disaster recovery scenarios. With Meshtastic, your device can send messages, GPS coordinates, and even weather information over long distances, without needing a cellular network.

Installing Meshtastic on the T-BeamSUPREME ESP32-S3

Now, let's get to the exciting part – setting up Meshtastic on your T-BeamSUPREME. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Step 1: Gather Your Equipment

  • T-BeamSUPREME ESP32-S3 board
  • Micro-USB cable
  • A computer with internet access

Step 2: Install the Required Software

First, you need to install the Arduino IDE and the required drivers for the ESP32-S3 board. Arduino IDE will allow you to program your ESP32-S3 board with the Meshtastic firmware.

  1. Download and install the Arduino IDE from the Arduino website.
  2. Install the ESP32 board in the Arduino IDE:
  • Go to File > Preferences.
  • Enter the ESP32 board manager URL in the "Additional Board Manager URLs" field.
  • Open the Board Manager from Tools > Board > Boards Manager, search for ESP32, and install it.

Step 3: Flashing Meshtastic Firmware

  1. Download the latest Meshtastic firmware binary for the ESP32-S3 from the Meshtastic GitHub repository.
  2. Connect your T-BeamSUPREME to your computer using the micro-USB cable.
  3. Open the Arduino IDE, select the correct board and port under the Tools menu.
  4. Use a tool like ESPTool or the Arduino IDE to flash the firmware to your ESP32-S3.

Step 4: Configuring Meshtastic

Once the firmware is flashed, you can configure Meshtastic:

  1. Disconnect and reconnect the T-BeamSUPREME.
  2. Download the Meshtastic smartphone app (available on Android and iOS).
  3. Connect the app to your T-BeamSUPREME via Bluetooth.
  4. Configure settings like device name, message routing, and channels through the app.

Step 5: Exploring Meshtastic Features

Now that you're set up, explore Meshtastic's features. You can:

  • Send and receive text messages.
  • Share GPS locations.
  • Create and join different channels for private group communications.
  • Check the weather updates if your board has environmental sensors.


The combination of the T-BeamSUPREME ESP32-S3 and Meshtastic software opens up a new world of possibilities for off-grid communication. Whether you're a hiker, a community event organizer, or someone who loves experimenting with tech, this setup offers a robust, scalable, and fun way to stay connected.

Happy exploring, and remember, the world of IoT is only limited by your imagination!